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About Us

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You don’t have to do it all by yourself

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I’m Helen and I love helping people with their homes. I’ve always loved cleaning and organizing my own spaces. I like keeping it simple, living with less and am always working towards being a more conscious consumer.

When I was forced to make a career change due to Covid, I saw it as an opportunity to follow  my passions, re train as an organizer and launch my dream business, Clean and Tidy Spaces.  

I truly believe an organized home can change your life. 

As a professional organizer, I’m here to support, guide and  help you edit, categorize, contain and simplify your stuff. Once this is done you will be free to  better use your time and spaces doing the things you love.    

Whether you are interested in working with me virtually, in person or booking a cleaning service I want to  help you create calm from your chaos so you can spend less time playing catch up and more  time playing. 
